Customer Experience and Brand Standards

Customer experience and brand standards are closely related and impact each other in various ways. A positive customer experience can lead to increased brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth, helping reinforce the brand standards.

On the other hand, an inconsistent performance of brand standards can negatively impact loyalty and reputation.

Retailers therefore focus on delivering on their brand promise and maintaining high standards in all customer touchpoints to ensure a positive and consistent customer experience.

There are several reasons for digitizing store operations:

- Improved customer experience
- Increased efficiency
- Enhance data collection
- Better inventory management
- Increased sales
- Better operational control

By digitizing store operations, retailers can improve the overall customer experience, thereby gaining advantage in the market.


  • Digitize your chain operation with Seebrite

    Retail is details and moves fast! Email and intranet are slow, and you have limited access to who has read the information and what actions they’re taking.

    Seebrite gives you direct access to each manager and employee, on their mobile, wherever they are. A better and faster tool with tasks and checklists to make sure your brand standards are converted into actions. By attaching best practice pictures store managers will know exactly how to execute tasks, and they can verify their implementation through mandatory picture feedback. This is crucial to deliver on your brand promise!


    Ansatte har kjøpt ut retail BI fra CGI: Seebrite Retail AS

    “Alle ansatte i CGIs avdeling for retail BI har deltatt i en MBO og etablert selskapet Seebrite Retail AS fra årsskiftet”.

  • Endringsglede

    Første uke i nytt selskap er gjennomført! Kick-off i våre nye lokaler i Rebel og en fornøyd gjeng dyktige kollegaer! Takk til kunder og samarbeidspartnere for hyggelige tilbakemeldinger!

    Endringsglede! 😀